Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

3-1 Activity

3-1 Activity

Q Identify the topic you chose to explore: Describe the historical context surrounding your historical event. Describe a key historical figure or group’s participation in your historical event.Explain the key historical figure or group’s motivation to participate in your historical event.Articulate how the historical context caused or influenced your chosen historical event.

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Earth Day A historical event that really surrounded Earth Day would be the environmental movement. This is part of what kicked Earth Day off and made it what it is today. Granted, Earth Day is all about the environmental movement they go hand-in-hand. How it looks that Earth Day started with as a political move for the government. Although, I feel that other people had different motives and actually cared about the earth. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin saw it as more of an opportunity for politics. Earth Day started during the Vietnam war and was away to reach out to the young adults who were against what was currently going on in the world.